Questions about Radar and ship damage features

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Questions about Radar and ship damage features

Post by Ala13_Nachote »

Hello :)

Im very interested about the features of Seow with HSFX, like strategic radar and persistent damage in ships, loss of part of freight when is damaged etc.
Then, im testing it with the 42-45 Channel map, HSFX objects activated and using short-range ( 30km ) radars and the Illustrius CV , activating Enable Ground and Ship based Radar for both sides in the SEDCS 3.2.8 and the radar control as host.
The Seow Radar Map shown in the grey square up at left the correct options set in SEDCS

Alied Radar Model
Ground Radar: ON
Ship Radar: ON
Identify friend/Foe: OFF
Axis Radar Model
Ground Radar: ON
Ship Radar: ON
Identify friend/Foe: OFF

But when the mission is launched and running no icon of radars or airplanes appear in the Seow Radar Map ( i log as admin), also no carpet "Radar" is created in the root carpet of the game host. What i am missing ?

By other part in other test i damaged the Illustrious with a SC500 bomb, but no reduction of airplane based in it is shown, Is necesary more important damage?

Finally i am using UP2.0N with HSFX_Switch as the only mod activated, i think this it is the same that a HSFX instalation, isn it?.

Thanks in advance.
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Post by IV/JG7_4Shades »

Hi Nachote,

The radar and ship damage features are working well in the J42 campaign series right now. You can see ship damage evidence in some actual campaign statistics (look at events at time 12:45:51).

The ship damage feature was first released in HSFX4.0 and included support only for damage caused by AI pilots, AI ground/sea objects, and the human host. Recently, a patch release to HSFX4.11 has corrected the ship damage mod. Now it works for all AI objects and for all human pilots in a coop.

The radar feature released some time ago required some PHP tweaking in the MP (I will send you the latest PHP file). It was released in HSFX4.0 and requires a folder structure "Radar/RadarLogs" inside the coop host game folder. This is where radar contact information is written during the mission. If your MP is installed on the same PC, then you can get the MP to inspect the RadarLogs folder during the mission by setting the "$RadarLocation" value inside MP4/Scripts/MP-Configuration.php . To enable radar functions in SEOW, you need to select the right settings in the DCS (you have done this) and you need to select Radar Control as your Host Seat aircraft. You also need the Radar_Maps table in your SEDB.

As for UP2.0 compatibility, I don't know. I have never used UP and I do not know whether ship damage and radar work properly with it. In fact, it is unlikely that ship damage works properly since HSFX4.11 is not included in UP. Also, note that UP2.0 + HSFX mod probably is not exactly identical to standard HSFX since the UP people apparently changed some flight models etc.

I hope this helps Nachote!

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Post by Ala13_Nachote »

Hi Shades :)

Thanks for the anwswer and the file, as ever it helps a lot and we will try your indications.
The readme of UP2.0N says that includes the HSFX4.11.
UP 2.0n Patch available! 20/02/2010

Here is a brief description of what the 2.0n patch contains:
It upgrades the HSFX switcher to latest 4.11 HSFX.
So i hope we can made it to work. If we solve the matter of compatibility of UP2.0n ill post here, i think it is interesting.

But there is something not clear for me, the folder radar is created automatically in his location or it must be created by us?

Thanks again.

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Location: Perth, Western Australia

Post by IV/JG7_4Shades »

Hi Nachote,

If the host game folder does not contain Radar/RadarLogs, then you must create it!

SEOW Developer

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