The common meeting place for SEOW veterans and noobs alike, sharing feedback, ideas and experiences.

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Post by _AH_taldrg »

~S~ ALL. I was looking forward to my first mission and wow what a mess.
1 1/2 hours late getting started, restart, jerkey screen, set on deck of the CV for 30 min. and then fly out and back and land. Is that all there is?
If so......well!
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Location: Croydon, England

Post by DD_Friar »

taldrg, is that you that flies with the DangerDogz from time to time.
if so, please drop by our threads and ask the same question.

If it is not, then, clearly sir, you are not playing a very well thought out campaign.
Frame rates can be an issue, but with some consideration to the number of ground units / objects and map this can be addressed.
As to the complexity of missions, over at the Dogs we are currently engaged in a campaign based in Italy that i have put together. We have had 32 guys, all flying by the seat of their pants to get out locate the enemy and get back home alive. With the fog of war, not knowing what that dot on the hoizon is, is it friendly? has he seen me, do i have height advantage, do i need to radio for help. Shall i continue with my objective or divert.

Yes, some of the missions can be boring, flying patrol for an hour, not seeing any contacts at all and then landing, but that happened sometimes in real life as well, it was not all guts and glory. The cap patrols would be important to the overall effort.

Seow is one of the best things to happen to il2 in my opinion, when done properly, it adds a whole new dimension to the game.
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Post by IV/JG7_4Shades »

Hi taldrq, and welcome.

It is always good to see new faces here, but I admit the whole SEOW thing can be a little confusing to newcomers. There are a couple of things to bear in mind.

SEOW is a system for running sequential coop campaigns. People all over the world download the system, install it and use it to design and run their own campaigns. If you are taking part in such a campaign purely as a pilot or even as a commander, then it is best to pass any comments about the campaign onto the admins, as Frior suggests. We here at the SEOW forums are not involved in most of the SEOW campaigns currently running around the world, so we usually can't comment on campaign-specific issues.

Secondly, SEOW is designed to provide more realism in flying and campaigning than is usually present in most online IL2 campaigning. By realism I mean that pilots are not necessarily presented with a balanced dogfight 10 minutes into each mission. In fact, in some missions you may not meet the enemy at all, or even want to! That happened a lot in WW2 and, depending on campaign scenario and your commander's plans, it may happen from time to time in a SEOW campaign. For example, carrier campaigns typically start off involving large amounts of reconnaissance and fleet CAP, in my experience. That kind of stuff sits well with some players, and not with others. Most often, once players get a few missions under their belts, see how the campaign unfolds and learn about the strategic context of the campaign, they find that there is indeed a valid purpose for everything that happens in each mission. When action happens, it is usually intense enough for the wait to be worthwhile, especially since each lost aircraft/gun/ship/vehicle truly impacts the campaign.

Anway, please feel encouraged to ask more questions both here and with your campaign admins.

Cheers, and Merry Christmas!
SEOW Developer

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