BUS Database Enhancement and MySQL Error 2206

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BUS Database Enhancement and MySQL Error 2206

Post by BBloke »

Hi All,

I read the message originally posted by doubletap http://raf74.net/seow/viewtopic.php?p=1115 so I did some digging. Unfortunately it appears there has been an error on populating the database which has left it short. Below is how to cure this problem.

Ok. There are a few things that need attention so here goes. Getting the data into the database is one of the worst as it crashes after so many lines. This information relates to both a standalone MySQL server and the BUS.

Prevent 2206 MYSQL Server has gone away error

Basically, you need to add the follow line into you my.ini file for MySQL server.

As a standalone you will find this in the programs root folder. For the BUS please look for my-small.cnf (it can be found at x:\Uniform Server\udrive\usr\local\mysql\bin) where x is the letter of the drive where you extracted the server to. It is a text file so you can safely open or drag it into Notepad.

Find the following setting:

Code: Select all

and change it to 32M. If you cannot find this line the following the next set of instructions.

Find the section:

Code: Select all


and add the following line

Code: Select all

Restart Mysql / BUS server.

Inserting the data into the database

Now that we have the server behaving itself we can continue with getting the data into the database.

I use MySQL GUI Tools (Query Browser) from http://dev.mysql.com/downloads/gui-tools/5.0.html

You will also need SEDB31 MySQL (reference) file from seow.sourceforge.net. This is a zip file containing all the data which should be extracted to a folder on your PC for use later on.

It is free and is pretty good. You will loose any data from the database when you insert the data back into the database. You have been warned. Please make sure you make a backup before hand.

You will also need connection details to get to your MySQL installation and database.

Please use the following for the BUS:

Code: Select all

server host: localhost
port: 3306
User: root
pass: root
schema: seow
The BUS is very secure as it only allows YOUR machine access to all the fundamental parts unless YOU have changed your default APACHE .htaccess file.

Once you have the program installed start the MYSQL Query Browser. Complete the connection details (for the BUS above) and click connect.

You should see a list of schemas (on the top right hand corner) with the schema seow highlight in bold. (a schema is just another name for a database file).

You must make sure that SEOW is bold (selected). If it isn't double click it.

Now click on File and then Open Script.
Find the extracted SEDB31 MySQL file you extracted earlier and select and open it.

This will load the script into the Query Browser.

WARNING - Following the next step will remove all the datatables and reinsert them. Unless you make a backup you will not be able to undo this action.

Now click the Execute button and watch the progress.

That is it. You should now have a fully populated database.
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Post by IV/JG7_4Shades »

I use max_allowed_packet=80M , because I can. Life is a breeze. :D

Good post.
SEOW Developer

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Joined: Sat 08 Sep 2007 9:25 am

Post by BBloke »

Thanks Shades.

Wish I knew that a little while back :)
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Location: Perth, Western Australia

Post by IV/JG7_4Shades »

I don't mean to be smart, but this has been discussed before:

Hawk_5's post
http://raf74.net/seow/viewtopic.php?t=1 ... owedpacket

SEOW Wiki Installation Page

I don't pretend the documentation system is perfect. :( The problem is finding out what question you need to ask, when you aren't sure what is happening. I congratulate you on finding the solution in your own way, and reporting it for others to see. That is the right spirit.

SEOW Developer

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Post by BBloke »

No problem Shades.

I have always tended to fall back on the seow.sourceforge.net pages for help and thats where my lack of clarity has stemmed from. After all that where the files are downloaded from and we all like to be guided with our hands held from time to time.

Thanks for the wiki link it is certainly more informative. I doubt I would have stumbled onto this page without your direction.
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