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SEOW system is made up of three mutually supporting software components. These are the database (SEDB), the dynamic campaign system (DCS) and the mission planner (MP). Each of these components can address the other over the net but, for efficiency reasons, local installs are preferred where possible. SEOW is a heavy duty application that makes considerable demands on servers, so if you are wanting to offer multiplayer campaigns to the community, make sure your server hardware and internet connection specs are up to the job.

Before commencing installation of SEOW, make sure you have read and understood the following software requirements. At the very least, you should understand what a web server is and how it uses PHP before you even attempt to install SEOW. If you are opting for the MySQL SEDB option, please familiarize yourself with what MySQL actually is before attempting to use SEDB with MySQL.

SEOW HOST Installation Requirements

  • Required to run MP

A web server supporting PHP 4.3.10 or higher, preferably PHP v5.x.

  • Required to run DCS

Microsoft .NET Framework 4.0

MyODBC v3.51.x ** Do NOT use MyODBC Connector/Net 5.x **

  • Required to run SEDB

You have a choice of two SEDB platforms. SEOW works transparently with either, and you can mix and match. The choice of platform will determine the remote access functionality of your SEOW installation.

local installation mode

Microsoft Access 2000 or higher.

MSAccess is used to view the .mdb database file that holds mission results and mission planning requests. It is possible to use the MSAccess SEDB with SEOW on a Windows machine without having a local install of the MSAccess application (part of MSOffice), but you won't be able to open/view/edit the .mdb file unless you have MSAccess installed. MSAccess does not support remote connections from external machines.

remote installation mode

MySQL 4.3 or higher.

MySQL is a server application that commonly runs on ISP systems of virtually any operating system flavour. It is perfect for setting up public online wars using SE, since MySQL does support remote connections. You can also set up MySQL to run on your home PC. A little more complicated than using MSAccess, but it is free!

  • General Recommendations

PHP 5.x Make sure you have enabled the MySQL extension in your php.ini file!

MySQL 5.0

Abyss, Apache and Xitami are all recommended free web server platforms, especially Apache for high performance needs. Microsoft IIS is provided free on Windows XP PRO (installed via the control panel "add/remove programs"), but is painful to configure and manage.

Other solutions are the Apache+MySQL+PHP offerings from WAMP and XAMP, which can give you a simplified install. This can often be the quickest route, since PHP have seen fit to remove MySQL support from their default systems, so adding MySQL support becomes a little harder.

Navicat is a great tool for managing MySQL databases, but it costs money. SQLyog is another useful tool. If you are serious about using MySQL, you will probably end up getting a tool like Navicat or SQLyog.

--IV/JG7_4Shades 15:41, 16 April 2011 (CEST)