Customizing your Order of Battle

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SEOW is very flexible and allows you to design and build your campaigns to high degrees of historical accuracy. One of the most immersive features is the Order of Battle naming system. In SEOW you can name your navies and armies however you like, so if you want to run a Chindit campaign on the Imphal map with all the right units present on the ground, you can. Here's how.

Naval Names

The SEOW database has a table called Navy_Units which contains textual and national descriptions for the Navies to be used. Here is the default listing:

Nation          Navy Designation   Alignment    Country_ID
Australia	RAN	           Allied	    gb
Britain	        RN	           Allied	    gb
France	        FNF	           Allied	    fr
Germany	        Kriegsmarine	   Axis	            null
Russia	        VfSSSR	           Allied	    ru
Finland	        FM	           Axis	            fi
USA	        USN	           Allied	    us
Japan	        IJN	           Axis	            ja
Netherlands	KM	           Allied	    du
Italy	        RM	           Axis	            it
New Zealand	RNZN	           Allied	    rz
Poland	        PMW	           Allied	    pl
Romania	        Kriegsmarine_Ro	   Axis	            ro
Hungary	        Kriegsmarine_Hu	   Axis	            hu
Slovakia	Kriegsmarine_Sk	   Axis	            sk

You can edit the "Navy Designation" fields to the names you like, keep the names around 30 characters or less in length. You can even add new nations to the list (but you will probably have to add icons to the MP for the new nation so that the map display works properly.

Army Names

The SEOW model for Army orders of battle is more flexible. For the ground war you can specify the organizational names to be used on both sides at what we call the "divisional" level, more accurately the regimental or battalion level. All these names are kept in the Army_Units table - there is a large set of default units, but you can edit this table as you see fit. Here are a few records from the table:

Country     Division_Name       Division_Type   Alignment  Country_ID   Campaign_Sector
Japan	    1_Ichiseki_SNLF	     T            Axis        ja	  Midway
Japan	    23_Ninoseki_Marine	     V            Axis        ja	  Midway
Australia   6_Infantry	             V            Allied      gb	  Cyrenaica
Australia   1_Armoured	             T            Allied      gb	  Australia
Australia   6_Independent	     T            Allied      gb	  New Guinea
Australia   7_Infantry	             T            Allied      gb	  New Guinea
Australia   8_Infantry	             V            Allied      gb	  Singapore
Britain     7_Armoured	             T            Allied      gb	  Normandy
Britain     50_Northumberland	     T            Allied      gb	  Normandy
Germany     46_Infanterie	     V            Axis        null	  Crimea

The Division_Name field can be long, but try not to make it too long as you will encounter difficulties in on-screen display and maybe even in statistics counting. Less than 30 characters is usually a good rule of thumb. The Division_Type field tells SEOW what kinds of units belong in the division; the allowed types are "A" (artillery+flak), "T" (armour), "V" (infantry/vehicles), "E" (engineers). When initializing a template, SEOW will read the list of army divisions for the sector of interest, and then allocate each object type to the first corresponding division name. For example, if we were using the divisions lsit above to initialize a New Guinea campaign, the first Allied armoured unit would be allocated to a platoon of the Australian "6 Independent" division. Any underscores used in division names will be replaced by blanks in MP display. Note the Country_ID for Germany is "null", i.e. the 4 text characters n, u, l and l.

Each division in the Army_Units table expands to 64 platoons using a standard SEOW 4x4x4 rule. For example, the "1 Ichiseki Special Naval Landing Force" can contain at most 64 armoured platoons. These will look like "m/1 Ichiseki SNLF Co. n, Plt. p", where m,n,p each can take the values 1,2,3,4. You can add as many divisions as you like, but having more than you need is inefficient.

DCS Initialization Error: Insufficient Platoons Sometimes you may see this error when initializing a heavy template. Basically this means that the DCS is trying to allocate more platoons than your list of division names can cope with. For example, If your template includes 430 Axis flak/artillery platoons, you will need at least 430/64 + 1 = 8 different Axis "A" type division names in the Army_Units table for that Sector. It is your responsibility to ensure that there are sufficient names for the template you are using. Often this information is included in ruleset documentation.