My squad wants to use SEOW! A few questions..

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My squad wants to use SEOW! A few questions..

Post by PhilHL »

Hello :)

Firstly thank you all very much for this tool to run campaigns! That is what my squad and I searched for years. Somehow we just "found" SEOW just a few weeks ago.

I have a few questions:

1. Is it possible to run SEOW as dogfight missions? or only COOP?

2. I am interessted in this tool: Can someone send it to me? Thank you very much in advance.

Thank you all very much for reading and maybe replying!

Last edited by PhilHL on Thu 03 Mar 2011 1:19 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by JG6_Express »


SEOW has brought a lot of enjoyment to our squad. The best advice I can give you to start off with is to read the Wiki on it. This is highly recommended before you begin. This manual is very comprehensive and spells out the requirements, installations, and other info very clearly.

The fellows here at SEOW will help you out.

Here is the link.

I know not with what weapons World War III will be fought, but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones.
Albert Einstein (1879 - 1955)
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Post by PhilHL »

Thank you JG6_Express!

I think the 3. question is answered. All three parts of the SEOW system needs to be on one machine.

We have a linux debian root server which is hosting our squad server (Theatres~Of~War on hyperlobby) and we want to use it also for SEOW! So we can install all parts on the linux server, but we cannot run coops without the tool for dedicated coop servers (DSC) thats what we need.
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Post by PhilHL »

Ok, i am setting SEOW currently up on my win7 64bit system

I installed mysql-connector-odbc-3.51.28-winx64.msi and DCS. But i get the "unable to connect to MSAccess database" error when i try to access the database.

Can you help me please with this issue?
Thanks :)
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Post by IV/JG7_4Shades »

Hi PhilHL, and welcome,

First some clarification: if you are intending to use your Linux host for SEOW purposes, be aware that you will need to set up a MySQL service on that host, as well as a PHP-enabled web server. The SEOW DCS tool will not run on that host unless you use a Windows interpreter like Wine.

Another key clarification: SEOW is coop-based.

The DSC tool you refer to is rnzoli's Dedicated Server Coop tool (see You will need to contact rnzoli for further information on this tool. Several squads use DSC, and it interoperates nicely with Lowengrin's DCG, with SEOW, and with static coop missions.

Now, regarding your installation problem, please let us know what release versions of the database, MP and DCS you are using, and confirm that your database and web server are operational. I would also recommend meeting with us on SEOW HQ TeamSpeak server to discuss. This is usually the most efficient way of curing install problems etc.

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Post by 102nd-HR-cmirko »

IV/JG7_4Shades wrote: The DSC tool you refer to is rnzoli's Dedicated Server Coop tool (see You will need to contact rnzoli for further information on this tool. Several squads use DSC, and it interoperates nicely with Lowengrin's DCG, with SEOW, and with static coop missions.
you don't actually need DSC for "light" seow campaigns, I would advise that you setup a normal il2 installation and host the first campaign or two via remote admin on your server machine, if you start having more than 3 SEOW missions a week please contact rnzoli for discussion.

be aware, you will need 3d GPU card for your server machine if you want to host any kind of coops on your server.

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Post by 62_Anubis »

Hi people, just for info:

In the begining, I did like you, I was hosting Seow in my personal PC. But you must have your computer ON all the time just in case your squad members want to make movements in the map. For me, it wasn´t great idea to have my system up and running 24 hs per day so this is what I´ve done:

Due to the fact that most hosting companies doesn´t allow direct access to Mysql server through port 3306, I´ve installed Seow MP and Seow Database on the hosting machine (the one you pay for...)

I´ve also installed MySQL Server, the odbc connector and SEDCS in my personal computer.
To plan flights and movements, my squad connects to the hosting server during the week, and 30 minutes before playing the mission, I connect with phpMySQL to the server, make a SQL Dump of the database, and import it to my personal computer. I create the mission with SEDCS, we fly it, then I analyze it and when done, I make another SQL dump of my database (analized) and I replace the one in the hosting system.

Note that I always use phpMySQL for creating the sql dumps because other tools gave me problems with it.

I know it´s not the most easy way, but at least I don´t have to leave my system UP all day.

Hope it was helpful

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Post by Zoi »

I cannot find a program called phpMySQL, is there a link or did I miss something? I have phpMyAdmin as part of WAMP.
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Post by 62_Anubis »

WH_wolfhnd wrote:I cannot find a program called phpMySQL, is there a link or did I miss something? I have phpMyAdmin as part of WAMP.
Yesssss... that one, sorry. My mistake :(
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Post by Zoi »


Could you give us more detailed instructions on how to move the databases between localhost and webhost?
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Post by EAF331_Starfire »

EAF are currently running an internal campaign without the DSC tool.
While this might be doable, running the missins depends on me entirely since I manually have to make the nessesary backups of the database (Analyze, planned, build -phases) and run the db through the SEDCS.
It means that I have to home at least an hour before the mission are run.
(I am an IT-Pro not the "It take only a minute"-guy) and I have to be there to execute the IL2-server.
I do this gladly most of the time, since I am a Sqd-man by heart.

I approached Mr. Rnzoli about his software and ended up discounting it for the time bieng (that was a year ago). I wished to run it as a virtual server over a Microsoft Hyper-V virtual host server. At the time RemoteFX (a 3D technology for Virtual servers) where not available and the power of my host server where not near anything that could support all of EAF in a SEOW.

Mr. Rnzoli will have to have access to the server. ( I can live with that :) )
The server will need to run IL2 in a COOP. This feature are not able as a dedicated server in IL2. Oleg and his guys did not think such feature would be needed. Go figure! So you will need to use another kind of remote software that can emulate a 3D session, than Microsofts own "Remote desktop" if you are using a Microsoft OS.
Try "TeamView", it is free for non-profit organisations.
All you need is to run IL2 in 640x480 in 16bit.

Remember that running a server 24/7/365 use a lot of electricity.

Mr. Rnzoli advice me to contact the other Sqd with automated servers. The benefits would be better utilize the current servers and less overall maintenance.

Should you exchange your Linux/Wine for an MS OS, there are things you should be aware of.
XP Professional, XP64, Server 2003 works fine with the SEOW software and IL2(HSFX4.1/4.2b).
Currently EAF use a Server 2008R2 Web (64bit) as server for the SEOW software. The webperformace have been improved, but this is not a hit :cry: Since the native MS 64bit OS(2008R2 and Win7 64) and MySQL odbc connector does not work together out of the box. I have tried to use the guides around here, but without a positive result.
The odbc connector is used for the SEDCS application to connect to the db
Waiting for HSFX 6 support ;-)
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Post by 22GCT_Gross »

WH_wolfhnd wrote:62_Anubis

Could you give us more detailed instructions on how to move the databases between localhost and webhost?
I use sqlyog (suggested by mirko)
Open the localhost and remote connections and you can copy the database from one to other.
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Post by PhilHL »

IV/JG7_4Shades wrote:Hi PhilHL, and welcome,

First some clarification: if you are intending to use your Linux host for SEOW purposes, be aware that you will need to set up a MySQL service on that host, as well as a PHP-enabled web server. The SEOW DCS tool will not run on that host unless you use a Windows interpreter like Wine.

Another key clarification: SEOW is coop-based.

The DSC tool you refer to is rnzoli's Dedicated Server Coop tool (see You will need to contact rnzoli for further information on this tool. Several squads use DSC, and it interoperates nicely with Lowengrin's DCG, with SEOW, and with static coop missions.

Now, regarding your installation problem, please let us know what release versions of the database, MP and DCS you are using, and confirm that your database and web server are operational. I would also recommend meeting with us on SEOW HQ TeamSpeak server to discuss. This is usually the most efficient way of curing install problems etc.

thanks for the warm welcome

i want to go on step by step. firstly i want to get it working on my pc, then we will test it and if we want to use it, then we will install it on our root server (debian with wine enviroment and vnc access)

so i installed the newest SEDCS and the newest database (the access one) on my home pc and tried to connect SEDCS to the database on my hdd, but there was no connection possible.

do i have to install the SPMP before connection to the database?

i will be on you ts this days on mostly evenings, maybe someone could help me out. I would appreciate that. Thank you guys :)


EDIT: I continue here:
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