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Error starting the campaign.

Posted: Tue 12 Feb 2013 2:55 pm
by ESCOMM_T.Harris
Salute mates ...

I'm having some problems when I try to start a template whose which I created myself.
The map that I created is Northern_Africa_Jir but when I try to start the campaign by the DCS system give me the following error ....

SEDCS :: Sector Northern_Africa_Jir is not supported in this database. Template initialization ceasing.

Someone can tell me the reason of this error?

Thank you.

Posted: Tue 12 Feb 2013 6:30 pm
by PA-Dore
Hi Harris ^^

Yes there is a error in the Sector_Seasons Table of Africa_NE sector:

Replace Algeria_Tunisia_Sicily/load.ini with Northern_Africa_Jir/load.ini in the Summer_Map column AND in the Winter_Map column.

Sorry, this is a mistake that comes from me

Note for others campaign admins: The SEOW Africa_NW sector needs the Algeria_Tunisia_Sicily map that is not included at the moment in HSFX6.
You can find it (as jsgme mod) on my IL2 DATABASE --> HSFX

Posted: Wed 13 Feb 2013 10:39 am
by FlyMaker
It's worked! Thanks PA-Dore for the fast help... I am helping Harris to start this campaign.

I have another question about Africa Sector. After starting the campaign, we are not factories. How does the creation of new units?

Thanks guys it's a very beautiful work!

Posted: Wed 13 Feb 2013 11:03 am
by PA-Dore
There are no factory objects on this map (building with 3 chimneys). Only fuel dumps.

But it's easy to add them if you need production:

1. In your template.mis add these objects where you want, they will be added in the Scenary table when campaign will be initialized. They will be present for the whole campaign. (You can do that at any time of your campaign, but you will have to add manually records in the Scenary table)
2. Insert new records in the Industrial table, reporting coordinates of the factories objects (template.mis). Take as example another sector of SEDB60.
3. You could also define simple factories, or District Medium, Large, or secret factories ... see HERE

Posted: Thu 14 Feb 2013 12:33 am
by FlyMaker
I guys. More questions :D

This factory districts is the "Factory Target Area" in HSFX6 objects?

I was watching the table industries and would like to know what does the entry "Sm_h" and "Holding". In the post "How to add a new Sector Map to SEOW" i dont see about this.

Thanx one more time!

Posted: Thu 14 Feb 2013 4:31 am
by PA-Dore
1. This factory districts is the "Factory Target Area" in HSFX6 objects?
==> YES
2. I was watching the table industries and would like to know what does the entry "Sm_h" (==> no used) and "Holding" (for fuel = quantity of fuel always <= capacity, for Factory = what product is now in production.) In the post "How to add a new Sector Map to SEOW" i dont see about this. (This post is only useful for new map capture, not useful in SEOW administration)

Posted: Thu 14 Feb 2013 10:41 am
by FlyMaker
I put on the map the "Factory Area Target Medium" with 2 "Object 60" industries and save the template. On the Industrial_Installations Table the entries is ok with this Factory Area coordinates and instalation_type named Factory District Medium.

Trying to initialize the campaign i receive this message:

SEDCS::Unknown Stationary unit type: ships.Ship$Factory2Big. Check template compatibility with your HistorySFX Mod setting in the "Campaign Modes" tab.
The database will be flushed now.

The HistorySFX Mod is checked. Whats the problem?

Sorry for continually asks.

Posted: Thu 14 Feb 2013 10:47 am
by IV/JG7_4Shades
Hi FlyMaker,

You don't need to place these objects in the template. All you need to do is put the correct records in the Industrial_Installations table and SEOW will do the rest.


Posted: Thu 14 Feb 2013 11:17 am
by FlyMaker
Hi 4Shades

I think I understand. If I put two factories in a certain area and insert into table named "Factory District Medium" this factories will be "connected"? So if i destroy one these factories the destruction level that area will increase?

Another Question.

About industrial production. I need to to change the avaliable airplanes to simulate time passage but in SEDCS the option "Only Producing Historically Available Material" also enable Russian airplanes production too. How do restrict production only to british or german objects?

Posted: Thu 14 Feb 2013 11:26 am
by IV/JG7_4Shades
If you add a line to Industrial_Installations and designate it as "Factory District Medium" then the MP will show an icon on the map for that new "factory". This factory can have production orders associated with it, like any conventional factory. Inside the mission file there will be a factory plate object placed on the map that can be bombed and will record damage events. That's the basic principle.

About the Soviet aircraft production: amongst the different production options offered by SEOW there is no easy way to specify no (or fixed) Allied aircraft production whilst maintaining flexible Allied ground unit production. However, you can potentially make the cost of new Soviet aircraft so expensive that no factory could ever build them. Just edit the Costs table accordingly.


Posted: Thu 14 Feb 2013 1:22 pm
by FlyMaker
Hi guys. I Found another problem.

In Africa_NE sector some airfields, not appears in map. For example El Alamein airfield.

In the template mission i put some airplanes to land but after start campaign, this planes not get operational status. On the main map the airfield apear but into airbase_elalamein.php sector this not functional.

I See into tables and aparently have ok entries.

Sorry for my bad english. Google tradutor help me some times rsrsrsrs :D

Posted: Thu 14 Feb 2013 1:34 pm
by PA-Dore
Activate Temporary airbases in DCS or modify it in Campaign Settings table.
In this map, all grass airfields appear as Temporary airbases like written in the Sector Design Notes.

Posted: Tue 26 Feb 2013 7:31 pm
by FlyMaker
Hi mates.
I Have new question. I trying to submerge one u-bot but this not work. How to do this?

Posted: Tue 26 Feb 2013 9:48 pm
by IV/JG7_4Shades
Open the MP, click on the U-boat icon, then right-click and select an option like "submerge/surface" (I can't remember the exact wording). it should be that easy.

Of course, if the submarine is damaged, it cannot submerge.


Posted: Tue 26 Feb 2013 11:51 pm
by FlyMaker
I try this one hundred times but not work. Is the second mission running in the sector. The Sub is not damaged. The submerge action only apply on map after new mission report?

Another problem is the attack range. I put 2 submarines in template to test, one submerged and other surfaced. Same type subs but in MP one have superpower range!