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Ship speed bug

Posted: Sat 28 Aug 2010 6:03 pm
Also in interim release 4.623... we want to reduce the speed of the MTBs that are being used in shallow jungle rivers from 60 km/hr to 30 km/hr, so I thought that changing the "Speed" column in Object_Specifications from 60000 to 30000 would accomplish just that. But it doesn't. Even after reinitializing the campaign the Mission Planner still gives 60 km/hr as the top speed for these boats, and the times given for waypoints reflects this high speed.

It also lets me plan an hour+ mission even though I have set ground/sea movements to 30 min max for both sides.

Both are a problem because we are trying to reduce movement of these boats to a max of 15 km/mission (because jungle movement is difficult) while the air missions are permitted to be planned up to 90 minutes.

Now I do have "truncate missions" on for both land and sea missions which might explain the ability to plan extended missions, but that doesn't explain the high speeds after editing the DB. Where else could the mission planner be getting speed information if not from Object_Specifications?

This one has me scratching my head. :)

Posted: Sat 28 Aug 2010 8:01 pm
by IV/JG7_4Shades
Hi Tushka,

This is a little historical oddity of the Object_Specifications table. To change a ship speed, you need to change BOTH the Speed field and the Number_Name field.

Consider the MAS501 patrol boat object. Its Number_Name=16.66666794 and Speed=60000. If you want to change the effective max speed of the MAS501 to 20 kmh, make the following edits:

Number_Name = 16.66666794/3 = 5.555555598
Speed = 20000

But a word of warning: NEVER change Number_Name for ground units, only for ships.


Posted: Sun 29 Aug 2010 12:46 am
Thanks for the advice.

Yes, the MAS501 is one of the two boats in question (the other being the MAS501JP).

To get 30 km/hr I have reduced the Number_Name and Speed by half to 8.333333969116 and 30000 respectively for both boats, to no effect before reinitializing, and to no effect after reinitializing.

The Mission Planner still shows 60 km/hr as the max available speed. Where could it possibly be getting that number now?

Posted: Sun 29 Aug 2010 4:58 am
by IV/JG7_4Shades

Perhaps you changed the values in the wrong database? I tested the changes on my system and they work fine.

Another thought: perhaps you are looking at a Scheduled Mission or an In Progress Mission?


Posted: Sun 29 Aug 2010 1:26 pm
Well, I just renamed the control points that had reverted to CP## designations in this burma1941 DB (when I reinitialized last night) and the mission planner now displays the control points with their new designations. Also when I sort Object_Specifications by nationality, only the few units in service in this campaign come to the top (all the rest use "x" as a nationality). This shows I am editing the correct database and this is the database that this mission planner is reading.

I just double checked and the Number_Name and Speed in Object_Specifications are the half-of-original values I set last night, but when I try planning a new mission for one of these boats it still shows the max speed of 60 km/hr!

This is bizarre! It is as if this mission planner uses some values but ignores others.

Posted: Sun 29 Aug 2010 8:00 pm
by IV/JG7_4Shades
:shock: :shock:

Posted: Fri 06 Dec 2013 3:07 pm
by PA-Dore
IV/JG7_4Shades wrote:But a word of warning: NEVER change Number_Name for ground units, only for ships.
Bonjour Mike,

I would like to increase the Axis Horse-Drawn Artillery (howitzer) speed (a little bit)

Why is it not possible? could this create issues?


Posted: Fri 06 Dec 2013 10:40 pm
by IV/JG7_4Shades
Ground unit speed is fixed in the technics file. You must edit your technics file. The Number_Name is READ ONLY for ground units.


Posted: Sat 07 Dec 2013 4:23 am
by PA-Dore
Thanks Mike ^^ Of course, I forgot that!