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HSFX Source

Posted: Mon 25 Jan 2010 9:56 pm
by VT-51_Thud
Do you all have a source preference for getting updates for HSFX? I periodically get strange results from the eventlogs updated into our seow database. I'm pretty certain its caused by some stray MODs getting loaded.

Posted: Tue 26 Jan 2010 7:18 pm
by IV/JG7_4Shades
Hi Thud,

I'm not sure exactly what you mean, but SEOW assumes that coop files and eventlogs are compliant with stock IL-2 formats (apart from ship damage directives in eventlogs). Some mods make significant changes to .mis files and eventlogs, so this can cause problems. I tend to use purely HSFX + "Realistic Bomb and Torpedo" with very few other mods enabled, and have encountered no problems so far.


Posted: Fri 29 Jan 2010 7:31 pm
by VT-51_Thud
The biggest problem I've seen is when the Host used the Moving DF server setting from Ultra2, It added extra numeric characters after each person's data. It recorded everything but delinked individual stas entrees from the person. I was able to edit the database to fix it.


Normal Format: 13:52:58 USN_VT_10A012 shot down by IJN_AG_501_FS120 at 86457.96 125929.15
What got Recorded: 07:27:22 IJN_C_Akagi_FS013:13136:2 shot down by USN_VF_51A013:13457:1 at 146824.12 297187.5

Posted: Fri 29 Jan 2010 9:57 pm
by IV/JG7_4Shades
Interesting. Basically MDF is a different game and SEOW is not designed to work with MDF-style eventlogs.


Posted: Sat 30 Jan 2010 3:38 am
by deadfred
MDS is useless for Coops unless you are doing it single player. I have seen that only the host can rearm-refuel in a coop mission.

Also, Zuti has stated that he has no plans to fix this problem. :cry:

Posted: Sun 31 Jan 2010 9:23 am
by VT-51_Thud
Here's a sample from last nights mission log. Not sure yet what the hosts settings were. What happens is that it delinks the association between data stored in different databases.

I wish there were just two versions, stock and HSFX. :roll:

Posted: Sun 31 Jan 2010 10:31 am
by IV/JG7_4Shades
Well, if the host insists on flying coops with MDS switched on, you will just have to edit the eventlog prior to SEOW Analyze. Painful, but possible.


Posted: Sun 31 Jan 2010 12:28 pm
by VT-51_Thud
Roger that. For clarity I just want to point out that I am not bringing this up as a technical issue. It is simply an observation of what happens as a result of MODS in general.

We actually have developed a MODS committee to review all MODS before they are released for squadron use. I can't wait for them to say HSFX only for squad use.