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Starttime option

Posted: Thu 01 Feb 2007 7:45 am

Probably you all know but i found out that actually there is a option inside the eventlog file that let's you start planes some minutes later than the mission start.

The only problem it is that is only available for planes that won't be flyable. I mean that no human pilot can use but maybe it is a flyable model.

At the end of the flight group in the eventlog file you add a (starttime X)
where x is in minutes. also you can do it with the FMB.
They will appear in the starting point after X minutes mission start.
I think that planes that start from air supply points or AI CAP can use this feature.

Another thing it is that the trains do the same. You can indicate the time that start move, so this let you configure the arriving time.

I can give more information, but as i said, you prabably know this.

P.S. What i realize that i haven't tested it is if you can do this with ships.
