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Adjusting Fuel Consumption to Reflect Map Scale?

Posted: Sun 16 Jun 2013 4:44 pm
by Kopfdorfer

As you all know , the range of a WW2 aircraft was key to the success or failure of certain types of aircraft in operations in certain theatres. Obviously most players of IL2 are not willing to sit for bumburner missions from East Anglia to Berlin and back , or from Iwo Jima to Tokyo etc. , and so Map Makers have made some very important maps for IL2 in scaled down form.
Consequently , the functionality of those aircraft which featured their range as a key operational feature is marginalized on scaled down maps.

Would it be possible to add a simple calculator within the SEOW engine that would adjust fuel consumption according to map scale?
This would bring those long-winded aircraft back to their places of importance , despite whatever flaws they might exhibit in other combat characteristics.

As a simple example , lets say that Canon's beta Channel map is at 2:3 scale. Any given aircraft would then get the benefit of the historical equivalent of an extra 33.3 % in its range. With a simple consumption multiplier of 1.5x , those Bf109s would be very cautious about extending a chase on a crippled Hurricane too far north!

Map Scale ConsumptionMultplier

1:2 2x
2:3 1.5x
3:4 1.25x

I don't know if this is possible within the SEOW engine, but if so it would make those Zeros supreme again in the early Pacific War.

Just a thought.


Posted: Mon 17 Jun 2013 10:06 am
by IV/JG7_4Shades
There is no way to adjust the fuel consumption rate of aircraft in flight (that would have to be a mod). But there are several ways in SEOW to limit fuel loads of aircraft in each mission.

1/ Max fuel load per side (Red or Blue), e.g. Red gets limited to 60% and Blue to 40%, flat rate across all aircraft.

2/ Max fuel loads can be restricted per loadout type for each individual airframe. E.g. the A-20G can have the 1x1000lb.Bomb+4x300lb.Bombs loadout associated with a 70% fuel load (or less) while the 1xType Mk13 Torpedo loadout might be able to be used with 80%.

3/ Off-map flights can also be restricted to spawn with limited fuel.

On the ground, there is a complex supply model that includes an overall consumption multiplier (configurable) so that operations in Burma jungle may take a lot more fuel than driving down the highway in Normandy.


Posted: Thu 20 Jun 2013 12:05 am
by Kopfdorfer
Hey 4Shades,

I figured it would have to be a mod of some type , but I did think it to be a relatively simple one , requiring just the map scale to real scale ratio as the basis for a simple multiplier - simple because the same multiplier would affect every aircraft ( and honestly I was thinking only of aircraft, hmm). I am also aware that there is no such thing as a "simple" mod - what seems as though it ought to be simple , is always quite beyond me to implement.

I get your methods of alternating fuel loads with loadout - part of the fundamental problem of every bombing mission, but these manipulations do not affect the current truth that in IL2 aircraft on sub 1:1 scale maps can fly the equivalent of the scale difference further , which is strongly to the advantage of those aircraft with relatively short ranges - my trusty Bf109s come immediately to mind here - and to the disadvantage to the long-legged - A6Ms and P51s.

Anyway I just wanted to float the idea here , thinking there might be a way to attack the problem through the SEOW engine as an alternate to an IL2 mod.

As always thanks for entertaining the idea with a serious response.
