Map Information Tool in MP

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Map Information Tool in MP

Post by USN_Opus »

Hi there,

We just tried to run Burma/Imphal last night and we had issues. I am now wondering about the MAP INFORMATION page in MP accessed via the TOOLS.

The map is listed as 4.08 under the column IL-2 Version/Mod and honestly, I didn't really even notice or take heed of that before...we're running 4.11.1 and

How big of an issue is this and/or are all my issues an answer to my own question?

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Post by IV/JG7_4Shades »

we had issues
That's not very helpful. What kind of issues?
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Post by USN_Opus » you go....

- Two people had ejection issues
- object naming issues creating stat-index issues
- destroyed bridges creating stat-index issues
- lots of errors during reading of the mission log (mostly obj)
- pilots not being recognized

I fixed mission one by removing the destroyed bridge results from the log but mission two is really bent. HEREif you want to see.

I wasn't looking to fix the errors per se but rather just wondering about the "IL-2 Version/Mod" on that MP page. The "how-to" in the wiki doesn't list map/IL2 version or HSFX version as being an issue nor anywhere else really (except for that switch in SEDCS for HSFX).

I'm now thinking that, obviously, 4.08 must be used to build the template for Burma...but still confused about HSFX...

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Post by IV/JG7_4Shades »

Ejection is nothing to do with SEOW, so we can ignore that.

Apart from bridge issues, I can't see why Burma should inherently cause problems that you describe. I am keen to see your template, and the generated mission and the eventlog.

What mods are you using? Any new planes or vehicles etc?

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Post by USN_Opus »

SE doesn't have a direct relationship to the ejections but it was only that MIS file that caused it and only for one person regardless of what plane he flew. It was fixed by him hosting instead of me...makes no sense. The other guy hit record and was ejected from the key/stick issues and a veteran pilot....also odd...

HERE are the files

Also, there were a bunch of friendly fire recording in the stats but that didn't happen in the mission...forgot to mention that in the last post.

The only things turned on in JSGME are:
HSFX History mod (in SEDCS, History SFX is enabled)
ShipAshe - USS Yorktownv

So what exactly is the 4.08 then in the "IL-2 Version/Mod" column then? I generally ignored that web-page and took the wiki as gospel but should I have built the template in 4.08 for Burma? This all feels like object issues at the root but I'm too noobish to know for sure...
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Post by IV/JG7_4Shades »

The other guy hit record and was ejected from the plane
That is a standard HSFX feature. Only the host is allowed to record SEOW missions.
ShipAshe - USS Yorktownv
I have no idea what this mod is or where it comes from.
So what exactly is the 4.08 then in the "IL-2 Version/Mod" column then?
That indicates the IL-2/HSFX game version that the map first appeared in.

Now, to your template file. The first thing I noticed was that the map loader directive in the mission file reads:

Code: Select all

  MAP Burma/load.ini
whereas, as you can see from the SEOW Map Tool, HSFX6 uses the "Burma Lower (cztx)" map which has a map loader directive of:

Code: Select all

  MAP cztx_BurmaLower/load.ini
SEOW v6 does not understand the map directive in your template. I am not sure how you developed your template file - maybe you used a different HSFX game version? Let's sort this out first.

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Post by USN_Opus »

Thanks for the info on HSFX recording...we didn't know that one... :oops:

Next time, we wont enable the Yorktown mod...
HSFX6 uses the "Burma Lower (cztx)"
What is the SEOW Map Tool? Stupidly, I just assumed to use the original Burma map but was unaware that there was a list somewhere of what maps to use with HSFX....if that's worded correctly...

Everyone is running HSXF 6.0.17 and 4.11.1
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Post by USN_Opus »

I just realized that I'm now even more confused than before. I used the Burma DB (Imphal) and see no reference to the Burma_Lower map. Also in the wiki, the phrase "cztx" does not appear...
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Post by IV/JG7_4Shades »

Hi Opus,

I have a bit more time now, so maybe I can be more helpful. First of all, I do not know which page on the Wiki you are referring to, so I'll ignore that for now.

On the front page of Mission Planner v6.0.x, the Tools link leads to the "Map Information Tool" which I sometimes loosely refer to as the SEOW Map Tool. This tool shows a list of all sectors (maps) defined in SEOW, and their common identities in HSFX Full Mission Builder.

SEOW supports two sectors in the geographical region of Burma:

1. Imphal, which corresponds to the FMB map called "Burma"
2. Burma, which corresponds to the FMB map called "Burma Lower (cztx)"

Your template loads into the Imphal sector (as is defined by the map loader directive inside the template file).

I have loaded this into a SEDB60 reference DB on my own server, and the campaign initializes with no errors. I note that "Enable History SFX Mod Objects" must be enabled in the Campaign Settings (see DCS Campaign Modes tab).

I then plotted, built and ran a mission with 8 Allied and 8 Axis planes tasked to fly, and then analyzed the results. All went perfectly, including stats.

I have looked at the two mission files you sent, and no aircraft were tasked to fly in either of them. That is confusing. Maybe you sent the wrong mission files? The logfiles show several pilots occupying seats, as if flights had been planned.

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Post by USN_Opus »

IV/JG7_4Shades wrote: SEOW supports two sectors in the geographical region of Burma:

1. Imphal, which corresponds to the FMB map called "Burma"
2. Burma, which corresponds to the FMB map called "Burma Lower (cztx)"
Just going to focus in on this for now.

This is what is confusing me a there is no reference (did searches) to "lower" or "cztx". Burma comes-up 3 times and that's for the Imphal sector #28

So we are using the Imphal sector and running the Burma map with the map loader directive of "MAP Burma/load.ini" I still fail to see where I went wrong. In my mind, there always was only one option...Imphal/Burma. Heck, Burma is not even listed as a sector.

I must be thicker than I thought! :lol:

This is now a bit of a moot point as we're junking the whole campaign and moving to something smaller.
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Post by IV/JG7_4Shades »

Oh, I see now. You are using SEOW v6 without any of the DB or MP updates. The Burma Sector was released after the initial v6 code base, so you had to update your MP and DB to get the new sector data.

Note that the MP has now been incremented to v6.0.62, so your MP is 62 revisions old!


PS: Unless you specify otherwise, I assume that you are using the latest software revisions.
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Post by USN_Opus »


Now that makes sense...I should have verified that but I thought I had used a current link...

Thanks again Shades...much appreciated...
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