Re-Analyzing Missions/Turns?

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Re-Analyzing Missions/Turns?

Post by doubletap »

Hello All,

I have a problem that I hope you can help me with. I was analyzing a turn my squadron had just run for SEOW, and it was almost finished when my internet connection crapped out. By the time I got it back up, I kept getting error messages from DCS that I could not get out of.

The result is that the results from this past turn are completely boned. Most of the kills did not appear. and I get this error on the results page for this past turn.


My question is, is there a way to roll back the campaign, and re-analyze this past turn using the eventlog. I still have a copy of the eventlog from this past mission. Please let me know what, if any, options I might have to correct this and/or prevent it in the future. Thanks in advance.

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Post by IV/JG7_4Shades »

Hi Doubletap,

That's a bummer. Basically we need to remove the partial mission Analyze info from your DB and re-Analyze. This can be a little tricky, so I ask you to PM me your DB login/connection info (if it is MySQL format) and I will perform this operation remotely if possible.

If the DB is MSAccess, zip it up and make it available for me to download or email it to me. I will fix it and send back.


PS: Someone else has asked a similar question. Unfortunately my laptop died so I have been a little slow responding to him.
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Post by Goanna »

A little habit that I have gotten into is as soon as I have generated a mission I make a back up of the database (sql dump), that way if there is some problem analysing the mission I can restore and try again.


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Post by rnzoli »

After seeing the destruction of no less than 3 campaigns due to various mistakes with log analysis, the dedicated co-op servers have been given to possibility to back up local campaign DBs automatically after each successful built.

Executing this program takes less than a minute, but saves dozens of hours of frustrated work :)
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