Human Recon Icons

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Human Recon Icons

Post by eaf92_brigstock »

Just a quick question regarding human recon.
When tasking the AI to perform a recon mission, when it is completed successfully, the MP places an Icon on the map.

When a human takes the aircraft should we get an icon where they performed their recon?

Currently we have a successful human recon mission in our campaign, there seems to be some intel gathered over the points where the recon photo's were taken, but no icon to confirm the recon was successful.
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Post by IV/JG7_4Shades »

Hi Brigstock,

Yes, a recon photo icon should appear for all AI- and human-taken photos. The mouse-over tooltip will tell you whether each recon photo was taken by AI or human. If the human photo icon is not appearing then that is a bug. Can you confirm this please?

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Post by eaf92_brigstock »

Hi Shades

Just as I thought

I can confirm that it may be a bug

We had 2 single 110's set up for AI recon.
Both were taken by human pilots in the waiting screen.
At the last minute one of the humans dropped out and the a/c was taken by AI
So we now have one AI and one human.
AI gets shot down, so no recon from that as expected

But human goes on and takes 4 shots and returns to base successfully.

I checked the eventlog
17:24:26 ZG26_III000 turned wingtip smokes on at 103849.39 131373.4
17:24:29 ZG26_III000 turned wingtip smokes off at 103542.77 131292.89

17:24:32 ZG26_III000 turned wingtip smokes on at 103190.52 131112.52
17:24:35 ZG26_III000 turned wingtip smokes off at 102965.87 130848.9

17:24:37 ZG26_III000 turned wingtip smokes on at 102900.64 130644.86
17:24:40 ZG26_III000 turned wingtip smokes off at 102919.77 130354.26

17:24:40 ZG26_III000 turned wingtip smokes on at 102977.836 130172.16
17:24:45 ZG26_III000 turned wingtip smokes off at 103207.17 129835.016

17:26:43 ZG26_III000 turned wingtip smokes on at 98214.91 117968.586
17:26:49 ZG26_III000 turned wingtip smokes off at 98935.56 117565.195
And it confirms smoke was put on.
And it's confirmed in mission_recon as recon_success
The only thing that changed was a time advance of 12 hours...but maintain recon state is a ticked option
I didn't get a chance to see if an icon was on the map before advancing the clock because it was on the baddies side and I always were the white hat of the allies :wink:
The issue was not brought to my attention until after the clock advance

But I should expect to still see an Icon after advancing the clock, or should I?
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Post by IV/JG7_4Shades »

Hi Brigstock,

Hmm, maybe the recon icon visibility code doesn't take Clock Advances into account, so it times out the icon. I'll have another look at that.

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Post by eaf92_brigstock »

Hi Shades

I can confirm there is a definite issue with the recon Icons. Last mission I checked the status of recon straight after the mission and all recon icons were present. I then advanced the clock 7 hours and they dissappeared.
Recon does remain intact though.... enemy shame about that :wink:
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Post by IV/JG7_4Shades »

Hi Brigstock,

Yes, I checked it too. The recon icons are only displayed immediately after the photos are taken. If you advance the clock, the icons are timed out and not displayed. Is this a significant problem?

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Post by eaf92_brigstock »

Not really, there was some concern from the recon pilots that the data wasn't being recorded, but I've seen that it is. It would be good if the icon remained because the icon gives a visual confirmation that the recon was a success. But given that we are running a 2 mission per day campaign I can't see a viable solution for the issue. If the timeout for the icon was increased then a campign running sequential hourly missions would end up with a map covered in recon icons.
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