Building template

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Building template

Post by =69.GIAP=PAVEL »

Hello everybody.

I have been working for a few days on a template and i found out a few problems that maybe you all can help me to fixed.

1.- I place in the ground some artillery defenses like 88mm, thne later when i build the campaign i put maximun strengh for put 4x88mm in each position.
This work correctly, but when i build the mission, osme of this units, are been placed as stationaryand not as artillery.
I test the mission and those units placed in stationar don't open fire.
The only way that i found out, it is open the missio nfile and change the stationary by the artillery.
Is all normal?

2.- I want to prepare a huge air assault with Gliders, and i want to loadout the gliders in a air start or air supply point. What i did it is to put in the same grid coordinates a road supply point, this way, i place the ground unit in the map, then i freight the gliders with the ground units. Later i plan the C47 mission with a glider attach. The C47 start at air supply point in a off map option. Until this moment eveything runs fine, the problem it is when i build the mission. during the process it said that cann't build the glider flght and finished. The mission it is build it and only appear the C47 alone without the glider.
So my actual solution it is to put in one place near to an airfiled all the ground units for been load it in the gliders and then make a air start.
Any other solution? So it is not neccesary to put a lot of units in the first step during the build campaign, using the reinforcements table to put the air assault units.

3.- The glider option i found out that works fine, but i'm not sure if i plan it incorrectly because use to do another things.
What i found out.
If i launch the glider at high altitude (2000m at 300km/h) it will land very, very far away.
If i launch the glider at low altitude (100m at 200km/h) it will land close but sometimes not in the correct place.
I guess that this is normal, i just need a confirmation or the correct solution.

4.- I place in the map, some control points but each time that i rebuild the campaign those points are erase, can you tell me how can i make then fixed?

Thank you

P.S. I hiope you understand the problems, my english has limits explaining this troubles.
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Post by IV/JG7_4Shades »

Hi Pavel,

1/ You are seeing the "vehicle breakdown rate" in action. This factor is applied to all stationary ground/sea units to determine which are "in service" and which are "out of action/in repair". If you set the rate to 0%, then ALL stationary units will be active at all times, if you set to 100% then ALL stationary units will be inactive at all times.

2/ Make sure a road supply point is near an air supply point. Allocate C-47 transports AND G-11 gliders to the air supply point. Commission each of these airframes as separate flights of strength 1 at the off map point. Allocate all the ground units to the road supply point. Commission all these units as you see fit. Then you can plot flights for each C-47 and attach a glider as normal. Note that this should work, but recently III/JG11_Tige told me that stacking multiple glider flights at the same off map point sometimes has some bugs, so I would recommend setting up multiple air+ground supply points with 1 glider flight per point per mission.

3/ This is normal. I think the gliders travel 15 km for every 1 km of altitude at release point. The release point is the waypoint before the GATTACK point. Glider assaults are great fun, but very tricky. Maybe III/JG11_Tige can add his experiences here - he is a glider expert in SEOW.

4/ Presently the Control_Points table is flushed whenever the DB is flushed. Just set it up the way you want and take a copy of the table.


PS: Your english is fine!
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Post by III/JG11_Tige »

2.- I want to prepare a huge air assault with Gliders, and i want to loadout the gliders in a air start or air supply point.
Pavel, your a brave man and when you set these up it works a treat.

First of all there is a problem with multiple glider flights spawning at the same air supply point in a single mission. The reason as I see is it, is that Shades, in his forsight in avoiding collision damage by all flights on spawning at an air supply point (bless him), has staggered flights to start at varying altitudes. One the whole this is not an issue for fighters and bombers but becomes an issue for gliders. SEOW doesn't allow when plotting a mission, to alter the initial spawn altitude or speed, all other waypoints are editable in the MP.

In the mission I built (with four gliders), when SEOW built the mission, the gliders had spawn in altitudes of between 3000mts to 5700mts. I also used JU52's as the tug plane which I've been told weren't fully tested. The result from the mission built in SEOW no flights were detected at misison start up, they were in the mission file but just weren't visible in game, or more accurately their remains weren't visble :(.

Editing the start waypoint of the mission in FMB fixed the problem, those being the speed of the tug (set by default in SEOW to 250kmh), the speed of the ME321 glider (300kmh) and for three flights a sharp decent to the first waypoint. The results in speed alone caused all to collide on mission start.

My suggestion for multiple flights is pretty simple, create multiple air supply points for your gliders, ie. one per glider flight and have them spaced so they will not collide on mission start. Alternatively Shades can alter the mission planer so we can decide the initial spawn altitude ;) .

Plan and TEST (remember max speed of 250kmh) in FMB for flight path with no severe turns or drop in altitude, best point and altitude for the release point. I've found that different maps may have an effect of some un-scheduled glider releases. For instance, on the Normandy map I could plan for gliders to release at 100mts, where as in the Stalingrad map I found that the around 500mts was the minimum alt, otherwise at times it the glider would be released early. I have found the lower the release altitude the more accurately you can land the gliders, hence I like low incursions.

To move armour etc with gliders you must have them close to the air supply point. The easist way is as Shades indicated, place a road supply point next to the airsupply point. Also, put airwithdrawl points near the airsupply points so you can take the returning tug off map.

Supply the above points with the units required. Bring them on map and assign the tug and gliders to off map. Once you've done this utilise the freight function under logistics to load the gliders.

Select the C47 and waypoint it to target (remembering the release point is the waypoint prior to the ordered ground attack waypoint). Once you've finished waypointing, finalise the mission.

On the left check fuel load etc and as you've ordered a gnd attack the gliders will be selectable from a drop down box. Select the glider to attach to the C47 and commit the mission. Done.....

I hope this helps....
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