Dieppe Questions

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Dieppe Questions

Post by RAF74_Taipan »

S! shades

couple of anomolies have popped up and wondering whether you can explain.

In the dcs we set the artillery to maximum range, and that is what shows.

However in the mission settings screen it shows 100 in the box, but written beside the box is m.

We are assuming that the 100 stands for 100%.


Secondly with the AI recon.

Are these planes loaded with ammo? Or should this be set in the mission planning stage to empty?
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Post by IV/JG7_4Shades »

Hi Taipan,

Yes, you found a bug there. It should say "100% of historical range". Thanks!

On AI recon, if the aircraft concerned is a fighter (PFI class), then it will automatically be assigned an empty loadout. Otherwise, not a fighter, it will be assigned a default loadout.

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Post by RAF74_Taipan »

S! shades, came across a problem on the italy map while testing ground movements.

I was tring to move some stugs from their starting position to Palermo.

By chance i took pictures of each movement showing where they were planned to go.

However you will see where they ended up.

Im wondering whether the person who harvested the data, missed some of these roads or there is another problem.


Ok look where the western force is and where they end up.





Now what happened is that whenever i gave orders to move west towards the coast they would move north or south but never west. So the units would end up in the strangest of places.


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Post by RAF74_Taipan »

In trying to get to the bottom of this problem i went looking.

I threw a simple unit across one of the routes heading east west or west east.

140125.89 62373.08 120.00 0 6 2.3611111640930176
139900.00 62100.00 20.00
139300.00 61500.00 20.00
132100.00 61500.00 20.00
131100.00 60500.00 20.00
130683.42 60456.88 120.00

I then went and x referenced it in the database and found that the route was in the database.
9023 140901 62103 120 9 Italy
9023 140700 62100 20 8 Italy
9023 139900 62100 20 7 Italy
9023 139300 61500 20 6 Italy
9023 132100 61500 20 5 Italy
9023 130900 60300 20 4 Italy
9023 128500 60300 20 3 Italy
9023 128300 60500 20 2 Italy
9023 128085 60737 120 1 Italy

This would suggest that their might be a problem elsewhere....

What do you think shades? Unconnected routes?

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Post by IV/JG7_4Shades »


Sorry for the late reply - I've been feeling crook for a while.

I think the Italy roads are problematic. There could be unconnected roads or even duplicate/overlapping routes. They were contributed by a third party - can't remember who at the moment.

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Post by 102nd-HR-cmirko »

we also had problems on Italy map, so we resorted to simple movement (with gents agreement to follow roads all the time)....
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Post by RAF74_Taipan »

Thanks shades.

Not the methodical but boring brillance of an earlier contributor.

I may work on a new modded map soon.
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Post by RAF74_Taipan »

S! Shades

Restarted the new campaign this week.

Did all the normal things. Flushed the database, initiated the new template, flushed in progress.

Guys built the missions - and went fine. Built fine.

Started the game and german side taking off ran into sirens on the runway.

So we restarted. I manually went in and removed the sirens and the balloons that were on the runways. They were listed at the very bottom of the stationary listings.

Also went into the eventlog.lst and selected all and cleared it

This was the setting for balloons.


Started and flew mission which was fine.

Came back out and ran the DCS.


Got this second message.


And then we were back to the original screen and the missioned hasnt been parsed.


Hopefully the first mission hasnt been parsed and we can save the campaign from here.

This is about our third attempt to get this campaign under way.

Cheers Tai
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Post by IV/JG7_4Shades »

Hi Tai,

Third attempt? You must be getting frustrated! :evil: Why did the two previous attempts fail?

The first thing I noticed from your screen shots is that you seem to be using SEDCS v3.1.7. This is about 8 months old - well out of date. I am not sure what SEDB and MP versions this tallies with, but you are using a very old system for starting a new campaign.

Here are some comments on your report:

1/ With your balloon setting, there should be no balloons generated by the DCS in the mission file. If there were balloons in the mission (and you said there were) then either they were placed as scenery objects in the template, or the mission was generated with a different balloons setting than is shown in the screengrab.

2/ When you say the Germans ran into sirens on the runway, do you mean there were multiple sirens on a single runway, or a single siren on a single runway, or ... ?? SEOW only places a single siren per runway with the default airbase layouts. I just ran a test using FMB. I placed 50 sirens in a line across a runway and taxied over them repeatedly in a Wildcat - there were no crashes, bumps or any ill-effects. It was like the sirens weren't even there.

3/ Your second screengrab shows an SQL error where the DCS is trying to insert a (duplicate) line into the MissionData table. This type of insertion is done only once during each Analyze stage, so the error screengrab shows that this must be the second time the DCS Analyze function was run after the mission in question. That means that this symptom is not what caused the FIRST Analyze to fail.

*) Send me your template and I will examine it and try to reproduce your error. Please let me know which airbase was affected by the German crash reports.

*) Send me the mission file as built by the DCS, and the mission file one you edited. Also send the eventlog.

*) It may be possible to correct the fault in your live database, but I would need to have full access to it. I have lost your server login details.

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Post by IV/JG7_4Shades »

In case anyone is interested, Taipan gave me his connection details. I connected to his DB, removed the offending MissionData record ("0" Duration), and tried to Analyze again using DCS v3.1.7. I encountered the "unknown index" problem in subProcessStationaries() routine that Taipan also reported.

I examined the mission file that Taipan had edited to remove the sirens and balloons. There was a blank line at the end of the [NStationary] section and before the [Buildings] section. This is a violation of FMB format and caused the DCS to fail in the subProcessStationaries() routine.

So, to fix things up and get the mission analyzed, I had to do two things:

1/ Delete the offending MissionData record (again).
2/ Remove the blank line from the end of the [NStationaries] section of the mission file.

The Analyze then proceeded flawlessly.

To check the outcome, I made a duplicate DB and built the next mission using DCS v3.1.7. No balloons were generated, but about 8 sirens were generated, one for each occupied airfield I expect.

Taipan's Dieppe campaign is ready to go for the next mission!

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Post by RAF74_Taipan »


Big Big thankyou shades. the guys will be happy.

The campaign can continue.
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Post by RAF74_Taipan »

S! shades

Ive since found out the problem i thought was with the sirens was actually the searchlights.


If i remove all searchlights from the database, will there be a problem?

Currently it is set with no balloons anyway.
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Post by IV/JG7_4Shades »

Remove all "SL" entries from the Airbase_Layouts table. That will prevent searchlights being placed at any airfield.

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Post by RAF74_Taipan »

Done shades.

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