DCS 317 and new Object Specifications

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DCS 317 and new Object Specifications

Post by BBloke »

Thank you Shades for having a look at the database and finding the cure.

I have just one question. I noticed that there is a new field in the object specifications table for Parachutes.

All the records are set to 0. Does that mean that it deals with whether a user can bail out or not? Does 0 mean "Yes they can" or "No they cant" bail?
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Post by II/JG3K.Brandle »


Parachutes is an attempt to make AI bomber formations better on FPS. We tested maps with 30-40 bombers over Berlin and the parachutes were a big factor in FPS. 0 is off, 1 is on. We took them out of everything with more than 2-3 bailers and you can adjust as you like. Shoule enhance US raids over Berlin in the later stages of the war.

Warg has made some nice templates that focus on this period. We have a number of maps that have a 'wide detailed' view so you can place these bomber formations in close proximity to each other and they can really wreck a city when they go over. 1 sweep over Frankfurt almost brought production to a halt in the test. See AI level Bombing post in Tech Forum.

Anytime you want to test your luck against Brandle's Bomber Box, I will be happy to put the Italy template or Wargs Normandy template into action and you can taste some pain. :D

Remember 2 things. Berlin is a perfectly smooth map if you stay away from the main city. Remove all of the airfields, factories and railways in the heart of the city, use FRANKFURT as your primary targets and you wind up with the same frames as on any other great map. Normandy is a big bear as well. Its easy to remove unnecessary stationary targets from the database without losing the information. Put a 1 next to the Airfield in the map name column and you save 60-100 stationary objects per airfield. Ex Berlin1 will remove the airfield or factory. Count up the number of factories and consider if its a good map to leave all targets ON. Normandy has over 400 factories so "all targets on" might not be best for a large multiplayer map.

Ok, that was more than 2 things but they all factor in. Good luck and let me know if you need a little help or a map set up for your squaddies and you to test your ability to break up formations.

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Joined: Sat 08 Sep 2007 9:25 am

Post by BBloke »

Thanks for your reply Shades. I will keep it in mind if we hit that problem.

Those pesky paratroopers and bailers. Best thing to do is shoot em. Berlin sounds awesome but I'll leave that for the time being :)
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Post by IV/JG7_4Shades »

Err, ahem, that wasn't me who answered you, it was Brandle! :)
SEOW Developer

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