A few questions.

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A few questions.

Post by II./JG1_Krupinski »

~S~ All!

I have a few questions about SEOW game play concerning paratroopers and recon flights.

First off, we'd like to implement paratroopers, is that possible? Is it just like generic FMB with C-47 you choose 32 paratroopers and use a GAttack?

Secondly with paratroopers, if we successfully drop on a controlled area does it now become contested? What implecations does this have it the area is an enemy airfield? Do they loose the use of the airfield?

Lastly, is there a deployment time penalty to use the paratroops? Ie if we transport units from one area to the other, at the destination they have to wait a mission to be used.

HOUR 1: Load and transport to Field B. Hour 2: At Field B, unload and wait Hour 3: Units are usable.

With recon flights, we would like to set it up so we send a recon plane along a route. We would like them to 'see' items like ships and get better reports than a question mark. The idea is a PBY would patrol until it saw something, then it would get closer to identify. Can we do this, without saying 'take a picture here' ' take a picture there', while still having a decent FOW?

Best regards,

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Post by IV/JG7_4Shades »

Hi Krupinski,

Paratroopers: This is not yet implemented. The only airborne assault mechanism currently supported in SEOW is a glider assault. Just choosing a paratrooper loadout for a GATTACK with a C-47 will not achieve the physical relocation of a paratrooper platoon.

With glider assaults or any other ground unit actions, if enemy units come within the control radius of a friendly airbase, that airbase is designated "In Dispute". What happens to friendly air operations at that base is determined by the "Enable Takeoffs Under Fire" campaign setting. If it is enabled, then flights can stilled be planned and flown from the affected base. If the option is disabled, then no flights can be flown to or from the base until the enemy units move away or are destroyed.

Seaplane Recon: Conceptually, we all know that a real seaplane will fly closer to any sea target it spots in order to gain better identification. But we can't simulate that directly in SEOW. However, seaplanes are special in SEOW since they can stay at sea indefinitely without landing at a base and having to refuel. This is called "staging" and is achieved by landing them at the end of each mission plan on the open sea. They incur no refueling time and can takeoff again immediately (gee, I hope I tested this for the supply tracking stuff - maybe I didn't!). They also have a considerably enlarged sighting radius, so it is relatively easy for you to find an enemy ship (with a "?" mark) and then home in on it on the next hour for more information without a refueling delay.

I think it is important for the commanders to manage this process directly so that they must plot the seaplane to fly near the ship and risk the chance of AAA damage.

SEOW Developer

Posts: 37
Joined: Wed 17 Oct 2007 9:18 pm

Post by II./JG1_Krupinski »

Thanks Shades!
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