New Release: SEDCS v3.3.0, SEDB33A, MP4 v4.75x

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New Release: SEDCS v3.3.0, SEDB33A, MP4 v4.75x

Post by IV/JG7_4Shades »

Hi everyone,

After much endeavour by the SEOW team, we are about to issue the new release of the SEOW system, which is compliant with TD v4.10.1 and with HSFX v5.0.1. There is much new functionality that is directed to supporting the realistic climatic, radio and navigation features in TD v4.10.1, plus a lot of HSFX v5.0.1 event logging and ground war logic.

Before the full release is issued (to be reported later in this thread) I will present a summary of the significant SEDB structural changes, and also a note on a migration of the DCS library environment.

1. SEDB33A Structural and Data Changes

The following structural changes have been made:

HSFX_Loadout <- new field

Coop_Mod_Slot <- new field

Coop_Mod_Slot <- new table

Windsock_Strong <- new field
Windsock_Medium <- new field
Windsock_Light <- new field
Factory_District_Large <- new field
Factory_District_Medium <- new field
Factory_District_Small <- new field
Factory_Partial <- new field

Destruction_Targets_HSFX <- new table

Default_Ord_Verbose <- new field

Damage_Level <- new field

Wind_Speed_Max <- new field
Wind_Gust_Max <- new field
Wind_Turbulence_Max <- new field
Mean_SL_Temperature <- new field
Mean_Declination <- new field
Mean_SL_Pressure <- new field

Actual_WindSpeed <- new field
Actual_WindDirection <- new field
Actual_WindGust <- new field
Actual_WindTurbulence <- new field
Axis_WindSpeed <- new field
Axis_WindDirection <- new field
Axis_WindGust <- new field
Axis_WindTurbulence <- new field
Allied_WindSpeed <- new field
Allied_WindDirection <- new field
Allied_WindGust <- new field
Allied_WindTurbulence <- new field
The Axis/Allied 6hr and 24hr Outlook fields need to have length 255.

The following tables have changes to their data loads:

AircraftLoadout (complete revision)
Airforce_Units (complete revision)

2. SEDCS v3.3.0 Library Change

The DCS application has been built from .NET Framework 1.0, 1.1, 2.0 library calls for many years, using VB .NET Visual Studio Express 2003, 2005, 2007 versions. This has changed. For v3.3 the development IDE has been updated to Visual Basic 2010 Express, and the development library is .NET Framework 4.0. All other references remain unchanged (e.g. MyODBC v3.51.x). This .NET change means that systems where SEDCS v3.3.0 will be deployed will likely require .NET Framework 4.0 to be installed and patched. On my XP32 development machine, the new DCS works fine with MySQL and MS Access database variants.

Note that the full DCS source code project (VB 2010 Express) is now downloadable from the SEOW CVS tree.

Not long to wait now!

Last edited by IV/JG7_4Shades on Sun 11 Nov 2012 9:03 am, edited 7 times in total.
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Post by PA-Dore »

Great news! We are waiting for the new release to start our next SEOW Campaign.

As usual, many thanks Mike for your work that provides continuing innovation.
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Post by USN_Opus »

Cool! Great to hear guys! Thank-you for all your hard work!
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Post by =gRiJ=SaoS »

Nice Shades, as most of the community we were waiting for this release to start the campaings.

Again, thanks for making this possible :D
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Post by =69.GIAP=KOSHKA »

Thank you Shades and SEOW team for your hard work !

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Post by =69.GIAP=ARTUR »

=69.GIAP=KOSHKA wrote:Thank you Shades and SEOW team for your hard work !

Agreed. Thank you 4Shades and team! Without SEOW I would have probably moved on from IL2.

Long live SEOW! :mrgreen:

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Post by 6S.Maraz »

Great, thanks !
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Post by IV/JG7_4Shades »

New versions now available for download at SEOW Files.

SEDCS v3.3.0
MP4public v4.756 (a patch to v4.710)

Release notes coming soon...

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Post by IV/JG7_4Shades »

A new SEOW update release has just been made available.

Many thanks to all contributors, especially Dore and Hawk_5 for their continuing sector contributions, and to Charlie for coordinating HSFX releases. Here are the changes since the previous release:

MP4 v4.756
*) Merger tool rewritten to handle daisy-chaining, and to include specification of date and time, plus wind conditions
*) Stalingrad support improved, including new Stalingrad Winter sector (II/JG77Hawk_5)
*) Extra hi-res maps for Lvov (=gRiJ=Petr)
*) Corrected previous mission conflicts for non-aircraft units, due to new non-zero refueling values for all units
*) Removed road display from Iasi districts
*) Added alert for TF selection that is outside CCCI range
*) Enabled HD Henderson Area maps in The Slot Aug42, Oct42, Jul43 (II/JG77Hawk_5)
*) CCCI workflow corrected for non-admin commanders (22GCT_Gross)
*) Moved CreateSupplyPoints form to a hidden DIV to fix wierd eventhandling problems in other tools (PA_Dore).
*) Corrected MP-ManageCampaign.php Reinforcements tool for incorrect transit references in Ground, Rail and Sea forces (22GCT_Gross)
*) Fixed skins+quotes bug where skins applied to aircraft with quoted verbose names broke the loadSkins() function in MP-Head.js. Fixed by using strEncode() on verbose names. (IV/JG7_Warg, 5./JG54_Emil)
*) Corrected behaviour of Forward Supply Points and Forward_Supply campaign setting. (=gRiJ=Petr)
*) Corrected TopUp function (needed Transit field to be incorporated)
*) Altered image name capitalization in Hawaii php pages (5./JG54_Emil)
*) Added extended New Guinea image (II/JG77Hawk_5)
*) Final Pilot_Roster tool, with READONLY features, and improved flight secrecy logic.
*) Corrected SupplyDrop toggle error (PA_Dore)
*) Added display of engineer bridge destruction activity to tooltip for the transport case (=gRiJ=Petr)
*) Added yellow border to tasked units plus context menu toggle sched mission function (=gRiJ=Petr)
*) Tarawa support (PA_Dore, 5./JG54_Emil)
*) Corrected unit relocation/reorientation logic ((=gRiJ=Petr)
*) Added SigFigNo() call to Total Freight in drawTransporter()
*) Corrected conflicting missions for escorts string cast problem in MP-Head.js (II/JG77Hawk_5)
*) Improved special characters mapping for statistics etc; ppdated special characters for extended Czech characters in new Airforce_Units table;
*) Improved rounding of loaded freight totals
*) Corrected MapPath() in MP-Misc.php to use the correct reference for $DOCUMENT_ROOT for PGP4.2 or greater
*) Improved Photo Report and Pilot Report timing and formatting data (JG26_Nuke)
*) Corrected banner image for skin display in MP-Misc.php for noConnection() function
*) Added loadout verbose text to GroupMissionData in MP-RegisterMission.php
*) Added context menu tool to toggle supply ranges for ground/sea units. (5./JG54_Emil)
*) Added support for map-specific atmospheric parameters (SL temp and pressure) (242Sqn_Chap)
*) Corrected MP-Driveable to use Kubelwagen spelling for HSFX5
*) Updated makeFactories() in MP-Head to hide "HQ" factory plates from enemy view (=69GIAP=Malysh)
*) Corrections to airbase vectors for seaplane bases
*) Full support for TD v4.10-style radio navigation objects, including Lorenz systems (with displayable alignment vector)
*) Revised Maps tool
*) Added HSFX flag to MP-ProductionCosts.php and to MP-SQL.php for AircraftLoadout
*) New MP skin called "sepia". The old skins "green" and "iron" are still available.

Statistics v1.154
*) Revised for HSFX5 compliance
*) Corrected urlencoding of Pilot Details filenames for the Stats Cache
*) Minor corrections Support Operations heading in lang files
*) Corrected handling of driveable vehicles
*) Added emphasis to event field in chronological list
*) Recon photo logging option (102nd_YU_Devill)

SEDCS v3.3.0
*) Now .NET Framework 4.0 compliant
*) Revised weather generator to include TD4.10-style wind parameters
*) Added national identities to runway lights for TD4.10 activation functions
*) Added support for Coop Mod Slot feature
*) Automatic placement of windsock objects at airfields
*) Corrected flag and balloon orientations to indicate wind direction
*) Support for HSFX5 factory plates and partial damage factory building
*) Flight fuel loads can now be specified in 10% nincrements
*) Morale checks when AM radio stations are destroyed
*) Revised Campaign Notices logic, reducing repeated/similar messages
*) Extended Campaign Notice logging to pilot yield, flight abort/malfunction and failed demolition events
*) DCS error message ClipBoard tool for pasting errors into emails etc
*) Destroyed factories now recommence production after they are repaired
*) Human recon photo code now detects altitude if logged
*) Flights at Supply Points now are given random horizontal offsets
*) Top-up flights now abide by fuel and loadout restrictions at Supply Points
*) Support for ship speed reduction logging in HSFX5, including TF management
*) Flight briefing now includes detailed loadout descriptions
*) Late version of Radar Controller now supported for HSFX5
*) Destruction_Targets table version switched according to HSFX mode
*) Infantry without supply is now unable to shoot
*) Some queries now have explicit HSFX tests (AircraftLoadout, Airforce_Units)
*) Corrected handling of Factories with names containing "House"
*) Pilot Roster table is included in the Flush command

*) TD v4.10.10 and HSFX v5.0.1 objects, loadouts, airbase layouts, convoys, bridges, highways, railways, tile map codes etc
*) Improved Radar_Maps table
*) Support for Stalingrad Winter (Hawk_5) and improved Aleutians (Cat)
*) Completely revised Airforce_Units table


Last edited by IV/JG7_4Shades on Sun 17 Apr 2011 7:15 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by 22GCT_Gross »

I know it was a very hard and long job; thanks to you and all the contributors,
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Post by II/JG77Hawk_5 »

Time to put your feet up for a good while Mike and maybe enjoy throwing some lead at someone when you can.

Congratulations and job well done!!!

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Post by =69.GIAP=MORAK »

Thanks Guys! Been waiting awhile for this!
The plane is only as good as the Pilot.

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Post by II/JG77Hawk_5 »

Updating current campaigns in progress to the new release version
I have successfully updated one of the SEOW HQ campaigns to the new release version and here's how I did it.
Disclaimer. If it all goes bad I take no blame. It is always someone elses fault not mine. Point the finger at a squad mate? Update at your own risk - this is a guide only.

As per 4Shades post above there are a number of tables that have been changed and need to be updated (ie. replaced with new version) or edited to maintain current campaign data.

Don't want a disaster to really ruin your day.

From the new database release, build a new SEDB33A sector database related to your campaign. This is to refer to and grab new map specific data from.

Tables to replace/edit:

HSFX_Loadout <-- new field
I replaced the current table with one from the new release DB. There was no campaign specific data to worry about. I did this in Navicat using Data Transfer function and only selected the AircraftLoadout table to transfer to the current campaign DB.

Coop_Mod_Slot <-- new field
This required the tabled to be edited as it has campaign specific data that needs to be maintained. Open table --> select File --> Design View -->Add Field.
Update field with new data.
Name = Coop_Mod_Slot
Type = int
Length = 11
Decimals = 0
Allow Null = Yes (tick)

Save then exit.

Coop_Mod_Slot <-- new table
Copy this from your new DB directly to current campaign DB. Update as needed based on who is flying in campaign if using this feature. New prefixes are added to the current R or B field each seperated by a space.

Destruction_Targets I copied this whole table from new release to campaign DB. No need to edit.
Windsock_Strong <- new field
Windsock_Medium <- new field
Windsock_Light <- new field
Factory_District_Large <- new field
Factory_District_Medium <- new field
Factory_District_Small <- new field
Factory_Partial <- new field

Destruction_Targets_HSFX <- new table. Again, copied direct from new release DB, no editing required.

Default_Ord_Verbose <- new field. Edit of current campaign DB table required. Edited table as noted above.
Name = Default_Ord_Verbose
Type = varchar
Length = 255
Decimals = 0
Allow Null = yes

Ensure this field is between Default_Ord and Default_Fuel.

Damage_Level <- new field Edit current campaign DB table and add field.
Name = Damage_Level
Type = int
Length = 11
Decimals = 0
Allow Null = NO (do NOT tick)

Ensure this field is last in the order. Always check against your reference DB and ensure the field order matches.

Sector_Climate Copy whole table over from reference DB.
Wind_Speed_Max <- new field
Wind_Gust_Max <- new field
Wind_Turbulence_Max <- new field
Mean_SL_Temperature <- new field
Mean_Declination <- new field
Mean_SL_Pressure <- new field

Sector_Weather This campaign DB table must be edited carefully. Ensure all tables are correct and in correct order. I made a spelling error when I did this table only to get errors in the MP, doh!

Actual_WindSpeed <- new field
Actual_WindDirection <- new field
Actual_WindGust <- new field
Actual_WindTurbulence <- new field
Axis_WindSpeed <- new field
Axis_WindDirection <- new field
Axis_WindGust <- new field
Axis_WindTurbulence <- new field
Allied_WindSpeed <- new field
Allied_WindDirection <- new field
Allied_WindGust <- new field
Allied_WindTurbulence <- new field

Name = Actual_WindSpeed
Type = double
Length = 11
Decimals = 0
Allow Null = Yes (tick)

Insert after Actual_Cloudbase field.

Name = Actual_WindDirection
Type = double
Length = 11
Decimals = 0
Allow Null = Yes

Insert after Actual_WindDirection field.

Name = Actual_WindGust
Type = int
Length = 11
Decimals = 0
Allow Null = Yes

Insert after Actual_WindGust field.

Name = Actual_WindTurbulence
Type = int
Length = 11
Decimals = 0
Allow Null = Yes

Insert after Actual_WindTurbulence

Continue on as above for Axis and Allied and insert the new fields in the same order as above after the *_cloudbase field.

Insert 0 in all the new Sector_Weather wind fields up to the current campaign time. From here you can introduce wind into the campaign by inserting values for the various Wind fields you just added.

Check here at the Wiki for the more detail on wind values ... D_v4.10%29

I used mild wind settings to start but thats up to you. Only the current campaign time fields need to be updated as after this mission the DCS will create new values for the following missions.

Thats basically it!
All spelling errors fixed, fields in the correct order etc. and all should be ok from here.

Check your MP and hopefully all works ok.

If not, double check all your updates and go from there.

I hope this helps.

Hawk 5 :D
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Post by JG26_Badger »

S~ II/JG77Hawk_5:

I wanted to thank both you and 4Shades for taking the time to post this information as well as all the other all of the contributors who have worked on this project. This updating guide will be most helpful to our squads campaign.

We are updating our SEOW Fall Gelb campaign to the newest version of SEOW and HSFX 5.01 and this information that you posted is very valuable for this transition process. So on behalf of the JG26 Fall Gelb campaign thank you and we appreciate the support we have found in this forum from the SEOW community.

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Post by 102nd-HR-cmirko »

congratulations 4Shades and "the team" :)

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