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Map Coordinates Display in Firefox with IETab

Posted: Tue 06 Oct 2009 8:46 am
by IV/JG7_4Shades
Hi everyone,

I just debugged this and thought it might interest some others.

I now use Firefox with IETab installed for all SEOW development and campaigning. Since I started with this software, I noticed that I lost the display of the map coordinate readout in the browser status bar (bottom left). Changing the Firefox settings to allow Javascript to change the status text dynamically did not help. What did fix the problem was for me to open Internet Explorer (8.0.6001.x) and change the browser security setting for the Internet to Medium. Then a restart of Firefox and my MP status bar coordinate readout reappeared!

I guess IETab really does use the IE rendering engine plus the IE security engine as well!
