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How To Refresh the Highway_Intersections Table

Posted: Sat 24 May 2008 11:14 am
by IV/JG7_4Shades
Hi Everyone,

Some people have asked how to refresh the contents of the Highway_Intersections table after some edits have been made to the Highways table. Well, this is done by a query, not by hand.

Here is the query written for MySQL:

Code: Select all

# This query is used to rebuild the Highway_Intersections table from scratch.
# Run this query whenever edits have been made to the Highways table.
# Query written by IV/JG7_4Shades  6 September 2006

drop table if exists Highway_Intersections;
CREATE TABLE `Highway_Intersections` (
`Map` varchar(50) default NULL,
`Intersection_X_Axis` int(11) default NULL,
`Intersection_Y_Axis` int(11) default NULL,
`Route` int(11) default NULL,
`Waypoint_Number` int(11) default NULL
) TYPE=InnoDB;
INSERT INTO Highway_Intersections SELECT DISTINCT * FROM (SELECT Map, X_Axis as Intersection_X_Axis, Y_Axis AS Intersection_Y_Axis, Route, Waypoint_Number FROM Highways, (SELECT Map AS Junction_Map, X_Axis AS Junction_X_Axis, Y_Axis AS Junction_Y_Axis, COUNT(Route) AS Exits FROM Highways GROUP BY CONCAT(Map,'^',X_Axis,'^',Y_Axis) HAVING COUNT(Route)>1) AS Junctions WHERE Map=Junctions.Junction_Map AND X_Axis=Junctions.Junction_X_Axis AND Y_Axis=Junction_Y_Axis ORDER BY X_Axis, Y_Axis, Route) AS Table_With_Dups;

# End of query.
For the full Highways table, running this takes about 5-10 minutes on a LOCAL MySQL DB. For a split DB, much shorter.


Posted: Tue 27 May 2008 10:38 am
by II/JG77Hawk_5
Thanks M8, that is getting saved here for sure!!


Posted: Fri 29 Aug 2008 8:01 pm
by 242Sqn_Chap
Is there a line required that points to relevant DB ?

I paste this this query into the query section of my SQL and just get an error :-(

Posted: Fri 29 Aug 2008 9:54 pm
by IV/JG7_4Shades
Hi Chap,

You could just try the following statement beforehand:

USE yourDBname

That might assist.


Posted: Sat 21 Jul 2012 9:25 am
by II/JG77Hawk_5
I found that with my MySQL 5.5 system that the above query didn't work and after a bit of investigating the TYPE command isn't supported in newer MySQL versions (v5.0+) and is deprecated.

If you get a syntax error rebuilding Highway_Intersections try deleting 'TYPE=InnoDB' and all should be ok.
You could also try substituting TYPE for ENGINE.


# This query is used to rebuild the Highway_Intersections table from scratch.
# Run this query whenever edits have been made to the Highways table.
# Query written by IV/JG7_4Shades 6 September 2006

drop table if exists Highway_Intersections;
CREATE TABLE `Highway_Intersections` (
`Map` varchar(50) default NULL,
`Intersection_X_Axis` int(11) default NULL,
`Intersection_Y_Axis` int(11) default NULL,
`Route` int(11) default NULL,
`Waypoint_Number` int(11) default NULL
INSERT INTO Highway_Intersections SELECT DISTINCT * FROM (SELECT Map, X_Axis as Intersection_X_Axis, Y_Axis AS Intersection_Y_Axis, Route, Waypoint_Number FROM Highways, (SELECT Map AS Junction_Map, X_Axis AS Junction_X_Axis, Y_Axis AS Junction_Y_Axis, COUNT(Route) AS Exits FROM Highways GROUP BY CONCAT(Map,'^',X_Axis,'^',Y_Axis) HAVING COUNT(Route)>1) AS Junctions WHERE Map=Junctions.Junction_Map AND X_Axis=Junctions.Junction_X_Axis AND Y_Axis=Junction_Y_Axis ORDER BY X_Axis, Y_Axis, Route) AS Table_With_Dups;

# End of query.


# This query is used to rebuild the Highway_Intersections table from scratch.
# Run this query whenever edits have been made to the Highways table.
# Query written by IV/JG7_4Shades 6 September 2006

drop table if exists Highway_Intersections;
CREATE TABLE `Highway_Intersections` (
`Map` varchar(50) default NULL,
`Intersection_X_Axis` int(11) default NULL,
`Intersection_Y_Axis` int(11) default NULL,
`Route` int(11) default NULL,
`Waypoint_Number` int(11) default NULL
INSERT INTO Highway_Intersections SELECT DISTINCT * FROM (SELECT Map, X_Axis as Intersection_X_Axis, Y_Axis AS Intersection_Y_Axis, Route, Waypoint_Number FROM Highways, (SELECT Map AS Junction_Map, X_Axis AS Junction_X_Axis, Y_Axis AS Junction_Y_Axis, COUNT(Route) AS Exits FROM Highways GROUP BY CONCAT(Map,'^',X_Axis,'^',Y_Axis) HAVING COUNT(Route)>1) AS Junctions WHERE Map=Junctions.Junction_Map AND X_Axis=Junctions.Junction_X_Axis AND Y_Axis=Junction_Y_Axis ORDER BY X_Axis, Y_Axis, Route) AS Table_With_Dups;

# End of query.

Posted: Thu 21 Nov 2013 11:11 pm
by IV/JG7_4Shades
And for Railway_Intersections:

Code: Select all

# This query is used to rebuild the Railway_Intersections table from scratch.
# Run this query whenever edits have been made to the Railway_Waypoints table.
# Query written by IV/JG7_4Shades  6 September 2006

drop table if exists Railway_Intersections;
CREATE TABLE `Railway_Intersections` (
`Map` varchar(50) default NULL,
`Intersection_X_Axis` int(11) default NULL,
`Intersection_Y_Axis` int(11) default NULL,
`Route` int(11) default NULL,
`Waypoint_Number` int(11) default NULL
INSERT INTO Railway_Intersections SELECT DISTINCT * FROM (SELECT Map, X_Axis as Intersection_X_Axis, Y_Axis AS Intersection_Y_Axis, Route, Waypoint_Number FROM Railway_Waypoints, (SELECT Map AS Junction_Map, X_Axis AS Junction_X_Axis, Y_Axis AS Junction_Y_Axis, COUNT(Route) AS Exits FROM Railway_Waypoints GROUP BY CONCAT(Map,'^',X_Axis,'^',Y_Axis) HAVING COUNT(Route)>1) AS Junctions WHERE Map=Junctions.Junction_Map AND X_Axis=Junctions.Junction_X_Axis AND Y_Axis=Junction_Y_Axis ORDER BY X_Axis, Y_Axis, Route) AS Table_With_Dups;

# End of query.