Feeling a bit stoopid, unable to complete new SEOW Install

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352nd Persecutor
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Feeling a bit stoopid, unable to complete new SEOW Install

Post by 352nd Persecutor »

Trying again to build a SEOW installation in Windows 10. I'm using XAMPP 7.0.13 which itself uses MariaDB and PHP 7.0.13. I'm to the point where all components are installed, the SEDB is added to a MariaDB database, and PHPMyAdmin runs. Apache loads the Mission Planner MP-Admin.php file but the script fails to connect to the database, telling me that there is no PHP connection. Of course, there is because PHPMyAdmin runs.

I think the problem originates with the step described in Step 1 of the Installation Wiki, modifying the php.ini file; the instruction is to remove the comment on the line ";extension=php_mysql.dll". I'd be happy to do that but there is no line like that in the php.ini. Adding the line doesn't solve the issue, either. There are a couple of likely options, php_mysqli.dll and php_pdo_mysql.dll, but I don't know enough about these configuration files to really know what will work and what will not.

PHP is obviously installed and operational but the Mission Planner doesn't know about it. Sounds a lot like a configuration issue to me. I'm over my head here.

Edit: I should add that in php.ini php_mysqli.dll and php_pdo_mysql.dll are both enabled.

Further Edit: Research has suggested that php_mysql.dll is deprecated because of, among other things, security concerns, including injections, and has been replaced with php_mysqli.dll ("i", as in "Improved"). MySQLi is definitely enabled and running on my Apachii server but the MP script won't recognize or connect to it, at least not at this point or in this version (MP4Public 7.2.0).

Any advice is most welcome.
352nd Persecutor
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Re: Feeling a bit stoopid, unable to complete new SEOW Insta

Post by IV/JG7_4Shades »

Hi Persecutor,

First we need to understand the terminology. If the SEOW MP says something like "no PHP connection" it means that the SEOW MP cannot establish a working connection to PHP and/or the database. This is completely different to whether PHP has been installed on the computer or not.

Assuming PHP is installed ok, the SEOW MP uses PHP to connect to a MySQL database using the connection details that you enter into the MP-Admin.php web page. The details required are the hostname (typically localhost), port, login, password, and then whatever SEOW databases you have set up. If any of these details are wrong, then the connection will fail.

Now I haven't been keeping up with XAMPP software revisions, and I note that you are using the latest XAMPP7 that includes Apache 2.4.23, PHP 7.0.13 and MariaDB 10.1.19. Compare these revisions with my current personal system of PHP 5.5.9, Apache 2.4.7 and MySQL 5.6.

I tried making a XAMPP7 install today but for various reasons it was not straightforward (I am already running multiple Apache web servers and there was some kind of conflict). However I did confirm that the XAMPP MariaDB server was consistent with my MySQL version and I got my existing MP to connect happily to a MariaDB database (using my PHP 5.5.9 install). So it is possible that MariaDB is ok.

But PHP revisions can change things significantly. It is very possible that MP is not compatible with PHP7.

Check out the SEOW Wiki Requirements page. It is tempting to just assume that newer software component revisions will be just fine, but it isn't always the case. If you stick as close as you can to the recommendations it will be easier to locate any problems that might occur.

I just tried WAMP 3.0.6 (64bit) on my WIN10 machine, seems to work ok. This WAMP version includes Apache 2.4.23, PHP 5.6.25 and MySQL 5.7.14. MP and DB seems to work fine after a quick test.

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Re: Feeling a bit stoopid, unable to complete new SEOW Insta

Post by PA-Dore »

I agree what 4Shades said. Persecutor, did you intalled the MyODBC v3.51.x ** driver in ODBC data of your computer ?

352nd Persecutor
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Re: Feeling a bit stoopid, unable to complete new SEOW Insta

Post by 352nd Persecutor »

Thank you both for your replies.

To PA-Dore, I had overlooked adding this driver. It's now been added in both 32 and 64 bit versions (I'm using Windows 10 64).

To 4Shades, following your advice as I understand it, I uninstalled XAMPP in its entirely and added WAMP. Rebuilding the database with only the extended Western Front 44 Map, I've successfully connected to the database with MP (although terribly slowly). That's a huge step forward.

Journeys are a step at a time. Now I'm dealing with the DCG failing to connect to the database but I'm confident (fairly so) that I can work my way through that. If not, I'll call for more help.

Thanks for your assistance!
352nd Persecutor
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Re: Feeling a bit stoopid, unable to complete new SEOW Insta

Post by IV/JG7_4Shades »

Now I'm dealing with the DCG failing to connect to the database
I think you mean DCS rather than DCG! :wink:

Glad to see progress is being made.

SEOW Developer

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