Campaign Set-up Advice

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Campaign Set-up Advice

Post by VT-51_Thud »

Greetings all. I am still a rookie in SEOW planning so I was wondering if I can get some advice from you on building a new campaign set? Our current campaign consists of a CV to CV war so it was pretty simple in design. What I would like to do is build my new set based on supporting shipping lanes to transport supplies from off-map to a staging area. My thoughts are:
1. The Okinawa map is perfect for the campaign because it puts things fairly close to each other.
2. More frequent oppurtunities for fighter types to engage.
3. Shipping Lanes for Torpedo Strikes.
4. Ports for off-loading Cargo for med/high-alt level bombing.
5. Carrier and Land-based operations.

Is it possible to create a makeshift Port so that I can have Cargo off-loaded in the Motobu Penesula Region?

Any suggestion you have are appreciated.

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Post by Hitcher »

Hey, Thud! Cool campaign idea!

If I understand your question, it is possible to create a new naval Resupply Point anywhere on the map you like by adding a record in the Resupply_Points table. There are also objects that are designated as Resupply Point indicators when used on a campaign template. They are the racing flag objects, I think. I can't remember exactly what they are called or what object they are off the top of my head.
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Post by Ala13_Nachote »

Hi Thud :)

I have run several no-historical Okinawa campaigns with my squad and with/versus others squads.

I tell you how these campaigns were planned and if you like it and want use some idea of it then ok.
Basically there were 2 land airbases in Ie Shima and Naha ( one for each army ), and the target is conquer the unoccuped airbase of AM6 and maintain it by several turns.

Also there were 2 CV TF with 2 CV and 5-6 destroyers and 2 transport TFs with transport ships and destoyers as escort in each army.

The supplies are in the begining in the AC6 and AT14 islands, and the task of the transports is load the supplies ( guns, tanks...etc ) and bring it to the main island, the North part of the main island is forbidden for landing troops and the target base ( M6) only can be occuped by forces transported from the supply islands, not from the land airbases.
The TFs cant get close to the enemy supply islands neither enemy bases ( the ships artillery destroy anything ) and the recon plane cant fly near the supply bases... etc.
Of couse attacks on the TFs and the land Airbases are habitual.

Then the quid is protect the transports , the transports mission is load the supplies and unload it in the main island in order to conquer the target base.

There is an old version of this campaign for unload in the SEOW main page, if you want a newer one ill send you and feel free to modify it.

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Post by IV/JG7_4Shades »

Hi guys,

My 2c worth:

*) You don't need a port to unload transport ships. They can unload anywhere you like, on any beach.

*) You can add/change/move your resupply points as you see fit by editing the Resupply_Points table.

*) The use of racing poles in the template mentioned by Hitcher is for placing control points - this is not related to resupply points.

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Post by Hitcher »

Sorry for the bad info on the racing flags!
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Location: Virginia, USA

Post by VT-51_Thud »

No bad advice at all. These replies are exactly what I am looking for to help me design a template and each of you is providing me advice on doing so. Thank you for all your replies. 8)
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